Our loading and unloading facilities, drive your vehicle into the compound, reverse to the traverser and unload/load. Club members will be there to assist if required.
Our Tracks
Toowoomba Live Steamers operates two seperate tracks, one at Lemway Avenue in Toowoomba and the other at the Jondaryan Woolshed at Jondaryan. The track in Toowoomba consists of a 5 inch (127mm) and 7 ¼ inch (184mm) dual gauge railway track. The mainline is approximately 1000m in length with a passing loop at the station and in-and out spur line to the maintenance area, turntable and steaming bays. . There is a station at the northern end that facilitates ticketing and loading and unloading platforms. The station has a roof structure and some seating. To access the track members and visitors (with locos) is via the clubs compound at the southern end of Lemway Avenue. A hydraulic traverser allows for loading and unloading locos to the marshaling yard. The track at Jondaryan Woolshed is a 7 ¼ inch (184mm) single gauge, with two loops, a dedicated station and loading and unloading facilities and marshaling yards
Our Track at Lemway Avenue
Our Station - view from Lemway Avenue
Rural setting at Jondaryan Woolshed
Information for visiting affiliated clubs/affiliated members with Locos
The track at Lemway avenue is a combined 7 1/4" and 5" inch track. The track is approximately 1000 meters long and is accessed by locomotives from our compound which is located at the southern end of the track. There is a hydraulic traverser located in the compound to assist in loading and unloading. A track joiner section maybe required to meet up with track on your trailer/ute. Our members may have something to assist.
Once on the traverser locos can be directed onto one of the six steaming bays via our turntable. The turntable also aligns locomotives with the compound access line to the main line. The track is operated in a anticlockwise direction so locomotives/carriages access the main line in reverse from the compound.
If your are visiting the Toowoomba track with your locomotive please download this information booklet to assist accessing and unloading information..
The loading and unloading traverser at Jondaryan Woolshed.
The station at Jondaryan Woolshed
The track signal box at Jondaryan Woolshed
Our Toowoomba Site: The track meanders its way through Lemway Park through areas of trees and shrubbery mostly native to the area and beside cycling and pedestrian pathways. Picnic, playground, free BBQ and toilet facilities are available within Lemway Park.
The Jondaryan Woolshed track is a tranquil picturesque rural site with historical buildings and equipment. The track travels around a rural setting with native plants and trees.